middlespaces is a division of ty hardaway(tm) dot com, a MIOA venture

"You have a seemingly rare eye to see and capture distinct views inside the frame.
Providing a unique perspective that makes the viewer see something differently is what makes photography art."

- GMS, Critic, Massachusetts

"...similar to your and Dorothea Lange's photos; documents of everyday life so common as to be invisible to most people. It takes a special eye to even recognize that there is something there, let alone something worth recording and preserving."

- RPW, Collaborator, California

"WHAT PICTURES!!! The way you put the book together was amazing...the posed shots were very well done,
the candid shots were jaw-dropping. You are an amazing photographer."

- SRS, Client,
Washington, D.C.

"I know you are interested in staged portraits, but I think your best work (currently)
is capturing the little, very odd shit of everyday life."

- SMP, Artist, Maryland
ty hardaway > ty[at]middlespace[dot]net >
301.602.2431 > metropolitan Washington, D.C.


- Ty Hardaway, Claremont California (1998)
- Three Orange Dot (1999)
- Spinning Faces (2000)
- @ My Turn of the Century (2001)
- MiddleSpaces (2002)
- 4040:eve (2004)
- Looking Forward at Forty (2005, project director)
- Juliet One (2006)
- Olema Means Coyote: A California Miwok Indian History (2006)
- Corcoran A+D Portfolio (2007)
- East Summer West - 2007 (with Christine McGuinness)
- Call to Responsibility (2007)
- An Historic Record (2008)
- 3 Juliet (2008)
- Sarah & Phil: the greatest wedding ever (2008)


Please note that while I have decided to do some limited client-based photography, at heart I create for personal artistic satisfaction. What I am trying to do (for self and client) is capture the essence of moments and situations; natural interactions and priceless coincidences.

All photography services and fees are negotiable. New subjects and situations are always welcome. Limited commercial availability.

Middlespaces is a division of Middlespace Industries of America. Middlespace Arts, 20878.

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